Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Cypress Wins

Turns out Cypress is one, lucky place. YAY FOR CLAIRE COMING BACK TO TEXAS

Today's Tycho-funny:

Let's set the stage. I "made" Tycho Spaghetti O's for lunch and he was sitting in his high chair with the bowl in front of him. I spoon-fed him the first bite.

Me: Tycho, you have to feed yourself.
Tycho: I can't do it.
Me: You can do it, Tycho. Hold the spoon with your hand.
Tycho: My hand is closed.
Me: Open your hand and hold the spoon.
Tycho: I can't open it.
Me (a little frustrated): Yes, you can, Tycho. Open your hand like this. *I close and open my hand as an example*
Tycho: I can't open it. I have to hold my pants.
Me: Why do you have to hold your pants?
Tycho: I need to go pee-pee.

1 comment:

cal+claire said...

i love you. and tycho. Cal and i laughed OUT LOUD at this! can't wait for some fun times together!!