Friday, October 21, 2011

As Promised

goin up the stairs...

play room (but can you really call it that when you don't have toys?)

another little play room

tycho's room

mara's room

master (that's me) bedroom

So, this is the upstairs. The only places not shown are bathrooms (one downstairs, two upstairs), closets, kitchen, garage and front yard. But you get the gist.

As you can see, our home is pretty empty. But I've found that I kind of like it like that. This is my minimalist side coming out. Anywho, MORE PICTURES--this time of cuteness. Hope this keeps you satisfied for awhile.

first Sunday

nap time. DAW!

give a baby an oreo and she'll love you forever. write that down.

at the pool

she is so CUTE


she crawled out of the pool. it was impressive.



Jessie said...


Good to see you blogging again too! I would wish on you horribly slow internet over no internet any day. Tell me more! What do you spend your days doing? Have you made friends? What's the church situation like there? It would be acceptable for you to just email me instead of having to make another blog post...

Jessie said...
