So, I belong to a religion that relies heavily on continuing, personal revelation, through prayer and the promptings of the Holy Ghost (which is just beautiful, if you ask me). We are not limited in receiving revelation only about religious matters. If I wanted to, I could pray and ask Heavenly Father which I should plant in my garden, gardenias or rhododendrons? (Aside: rhododendrons=funny word. Also, I don't know anything about gardening.) Now, this doesn't necessarily mean Heavenly Father will give me a solid answer. The most likely scenario is that He will tell me to decide for myself... but there is a small chance for a scenario like maybe I'm severely allergic to gardenias and He might prompt me to choose rhododendrons because of that reason and I'll be at the store later and go into a coughing, sneezing fit in front of the gardenias and I can paint a picture, can't I?
My point is, I am hoping, HOPING, that when people say, "I don't eat meat," or, "I don't drink Dr. Pepper, or eat chocolate," it is NOT followed by, "I'm a Mormon--it's against my religion." Just because someone may have had a personal experience, the result of which was a divinely-inspired choice, does not mean that it is BECAUSE of being Mormon, or that other Mormons should make the same choice. Like I said, continuing, PERsonal revelation.
p.s. I also don't appreciate it when fellow Mormons say, "some are way more Mormon than I am, because I don't knit or scrapbook." There are no varying degrees of Mormon. Either you accept the teachings of the prophets, and principles outlined therein (which do not include your own personal revelation), or you do not. It's not about quilting.
Also, Mormons don't even corner the market in those past-times. Old people do. hahahahahahaha j/k ish
I was going for a little bit harsh, but not offended or complainy. Success?
Slow Start
1 week ago
well said.
Success. Reminds me of an article Pops was talking about earlier. It was Orson Scott Card on Huntsman.
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