Blog posts two days in a row?!?
So I'm, like, so excited because tomorrow we get to pick out new FURNITURE. Heavenly Father pours out blessings and just when I think so many good things are happening, that something bad is bound to happen soon, He just keeps 'em coming. I think He's trying to tell me there's no such thing as karma.
We've been kind of worried because the furniture we have is actually loaner furniture--usually just kept until the shipments of your own furniture from home get in--also most people here are military and can ship stuff for free--ALSO we aren't military and it would cost a lot a lot of money to ship all our junk, so we didn't and prayed things would work out okay. I mean, the company told us we would be provided with the basics, that there would be furniture, but we got here and found out it was on loan. So, we weren't sure how long we're allowed to use it. We even visited the furniture store last Friday to price some items and figure out if we could afford it.
When we got here, there was/is a full bed in the master bedroom (Jacob thinks a queen is too small and for years he's been saying as soon as we can afford it we're buying a king size bed... point is, a full is unacceptable for him... also, this little aside makes me feel guilty thinking about people that don't even have beds). So, I called the housing office to see if we could possibly trade up (for a loaner king size bed), and INSTEAD they're taking us to BUY (Jacob's company is paying for it) ALL NEW FURNITURE. I didn't ask why, I just wanted to get a where and when and hang up the phone and then pinch myself to make sure it was real.
So, pics of what our house looks like now:

living room
i'm standing in the hall taking this picture of where it leads to, in front, the laundry room, and to the left, the kitchen

laundry room. and yes, that's a separate freezer. i'm pretty much in love with it.
dining room
super cute backyardWow, so, change of plans. We're just showing the backyard and downstairs (minus the kitchen) in this post because those five pics took forEVER. G'night!