If you really want to be inspired, see
this post. If you want to hear a sad sad story about one of my many failures as a cook, keep reading.
It started out okay.

Batter tasted good (Aside: I'm surprised I haven't gotten salmonella yet, because I've eaten plenty of raw eggs in the form of cake/muffin/brownie batter in my time).

I don't have round cake pans, so I settled for one regular cake and figured it would turn out pretty much the same.

I made some icing (just some concoction of butter, milk, cocoa, and lots of powdered sugar). It was warm and delish.
Cake finished. Looked great. Stuck a fork in it and all that good stuff. Let it cool.
Took it to the counter and...

And my pregnant, hormone-infected body reared its ugly head. I cried. I HATE crying. Never do it if I can help it. Apparently hormones are stronger than willpower. But my cute son came over and hugged me and so did my cute husband and we picked up the pieces and attempted to reassemble the cake.
And, yes, we still ate it. Tasty. Even my husband thought so, who prefers brownies over cake any day.